Welshpool to Aberwystwyth

Welshpool_to_Aberwystwyth(Click map to enlarge)

A walk across Mid-Wales between Christmas and the New Year 2008

East to West : The Border nr Welshpool to Aberystwyth
Sat 27th Dec to Tues 30th Dec 2008

A big High and a deep, wide 2009 to you with this report. 
To know how high, how deep, how wide it is…..His love for us is the key…..

On Steve Lowton’s intiative, we walked ‘southern cradle’ from Cardiff to Llanelli Christmas 2007, last year. We then walked the coastal circumference of Wales. This was to agree with and welcome what is rising in Wales and the indigenous ‘wild fire’ in that nation to burn unbridled, untamed and undomesticated.  England is to lower itself and with a hand of blessing raise up the Celtic nations,  Wales is FIRST, her brokenness is our brokenness but her healing is our healing.

IMAG0017As the penultimate walk in this nation prior to Ynys Môn ‘the cornerstone’, we traversed the Centre of Wales from the border to Aberystwyth mirroring the east to west walk of the ‘South Wales Cradle’ over Christmass 2007.  It was an enjoyable fun time, eating, laughter, enjoying Jesus and being together cutting across the usual Christmas mode without compromising on the warmth of family celebration.

The heart of this walk was to call for something to open across the meridian line between South and North Wales. My heart for this walk was due to the following that I have been carrying for a while;

‘I see huge flooding in the South of Wales, waters of the Holy Spirit all over the surface of the land. In the North I see deep, deep wells that are capped. They need the flooding of the south to raise the water table and to uncap these wells. The South really needs the depth that is in the north otherwise the flooding will stay on the surface.’

There is a ‘crossing over’ to take place but there is the issue of the meridian line in Wales and for something to be opened up to allow the cross over.  I believe there is a pressure building in the middle of literal water as a sign. As confirmation, friend who lives in Cymystwyth has commented that the water table is so usually high threatening drainage flooding.

‘I see a casket, a lock and a key across the middle of Wales with the entry point as Aberwystwyth. A key that is totally alive has been placed there for such a time as this to turn and unlock what has essentially been a block. What appears as death contains a ‘living’ key, the locks are to turn to let the water through.’

So I looked to gather a group to walk that will take time to soak, saturate and drink the intoxicating presence of Jesus. As the joy of the Lord is our strength, we would walk in this joy and envoke Jesus who fills all things so that our real life journeys hit the road dripping with a continual drawing on God’s love and enjoying ‘being’ with us and us with Jesus. 

IMAG0016A group of 8 adults and 2 children gathered at a house just inside the Welsh border, near Welshpool to walk west through the middle of Wales to Aberystwyth on the coast. This took place in the last moments of 2008, 27th to 30th December, as a prayer call for the middle of this nation so that the distinctive’s in the North and South can be joined. Just as the number 8 is two halves joined in the middle, a sign of the start for 2 to become 1, Heaven2earth, Jesus2us, north2south, spirit2word, mary2martha, east2west etc. The crossing over, the cross, the middle is the joining point and Jesus is our centre.

Our warm accommodation belonged to Lord Powis, an awesome and fitting provision as we called for Jesus’ heart in the central, middle ground through Powys. Thank you John, we honour you and your family for your journey and your heart for Jesus to have the centre.

We walked south to Newtown passing rich farming lowlands belonging to the English eating into the Welsh border, praying for all that had been taken, robbed and eroded. We were grateful to be a team that came from Lancs and Yorks, the white and red rose, and those from the affluent English south as well as the domain that is Cardiff to bless and ask for God’s hand to touch and give back.
Control is the wedge, the divide that splits what can only be whole when together. So we welcomed Jesus to confront our own control, wedges and divides that hinder our wholeness, feminine2masculine, left2right, intuitive2rational, being2doing.

IMG_1571All centre’s belong to Jesus, all middle ground is to be His and where death comes in like a flood, where the ‘counterfeiter’ seeks to freeze the heart and lock it up, there is always a deeper magic and winter cannot last. The key to death is life, so as we walked westward calling for the living key to turn and unlock the land, it was for Jesus to have his central place in this nation. Following the Severn and the Montgomery canal, we passed many locks. We crossed many bridges back and forth as if weaving an imaginary cord and pulling the land together like a corset.

The utter warmth of intimacy with Jesus and continually drawing on His presence is the only way, an essential hip flask in such freezing conditions!  We were so grateful to have Duncan Browning with us from Cymystwyth for 2 days, he and his wife Karen are people rooted in the land and have hosted us walkers on our way round Wales! To walk through the breathtaking Cambrian mountains and past their front door was a great, great moment.

IMAG0021It was an honour to have Dyfed and Helen Roberts with us from Ynys Môn (Anglesea) on the last day. Following the river into Aberystwyth keeping a low profile in a high-minded lofty place made for a peaceful completion and ending where the land meets the sea on the beach.
We walk with a conviction that Wales’ healing is a key to these islands and that it is Wales first, not Wales only, but Wales first. For England and Wales, 2 must become 1, the brokenness is shared and therefore the healing also. It is a privilege to walk this land and the fullness of such a venture is astounding each time.

IMAG0019Thank you to all who prayed for us, we were so carried by your cover and care. Massive thanks to the team; Steve &Jen Hallet, Debs Robinson , Nigel &Jean Stock, Phil Vaux and especially Malc, Aidan & Beanie Garda

So much blessing and heaven2earth download…. Jesus has come.

To Wales With Love.